Angularjs + jqgrid実装テーブル

Angularjs Jqgrid Implementation Table

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var Button = function(label, css, style, ngClick, show){ this._label = label this._css= css this._style = style this._ngClick = ngClick this._show = show } Button.prototype.render = function(row){ if(this._show && !this._show(row)){ return '' } var s = '' + this._label + '' return s } var Grid = function(tableId, config, gridConfig){ this._tableId = tableId this._setConfig(config) this._setGridConfig(gridConfig) this._buttons = new Array() } Grid.prototype.addButton = function(label, css, style, ngClick, show){ var btn = new Button(label, css, style, ngClick, show) this._buttons.push(btn) } Grid.prototype._setConfig = function(config){ this._config = { keyName: 'id', path: '', buttons: undefined, editable: true, removeable: true, functions: {}, services: function(service, remote){}, controllers: function($scope, service){}, filters: function(app, $scope){}, datas: function($scope){}, afterEdit: function(data){}, } for(var k in this._config){ if(config.hasOwnProperty(k)){ this._config[k] = config[k] } } this._config.remoteMethods = ['page', 'update', 'delete', 'add'] for(var i = this._config.functions.length i--){ var funName = this._config.functions[i] this._config.remoteMethods.push(funName) } } Grid.prototype._setGridConfig = function(gridConfig){ this._gridConfig = { height: 450, autowidth: true, shrinkToFit: true, rowNum: 20, rowList: [10, 20, 30], //colNames:[], colModel:[], pager: '#pager', viewrecords: false, caption: '', add: true, add: true, edit: false, del: false, search: false, refresh: false, Addtext: 'add', Edittext: 'Modify', hidegrid: false, pagerpos: 'right' } for(var k in this._gridConfig){ if(gridConfig.hasOwnProperty(k)){ this._gridConfig[k] = gridConfig[k] } } } Grid.prototype.initService = function(){ var that = this'Service', [function(){ console.log('path' + that._config.path) var remote = new rpc.ServiceProxy('/services/' + that._config.path, { asynchronous : false, methods : that._config.remoteMethods }) var list = function (query, pageNo, pageSize, successCallback, errorCallback) { //var localFilter = config.filterHandler(filter) var localQuery = query var response =, pageNo, pageSize) successCallback(response) } var del = function(key, successCallback, errorCallback){ try{ var response = remote['delete'](key) successCallback(response) }catch(e){ errorCallback(e) } } var submit = function(item, successCallback, errorCallback) { var response var add = false if(item.__add){ add = true } delete item.__add try{ if(add){ remote.add(item) }else{ remote.update(item) } successCallback(response) }catch(e){ item.__add = add errorCallback(e) } } var saveCall = function(fun, successCallback){ try{ var ret = fun() successCallback(ret) }catch(e){ Bage.errorMsg(e.message) } } var ret = { list: list, submit: submit, del: del, saveCall: saveCall } //add funciton, remote) return ret }]) } Grid.prototype.initCtrl = function(){ var that = this'ctrl', ['$scope', '$filter', '$compile', 'Service', function($scope, $filter, $compile, service) { $scope.title = '' $scope.query = {} $scope.item = {} = $scope $scope.pageNo = 1 $scope.pagination = { pageNo: 1, pageSize: 10 } $ = function(){ list() } //add row $scope.add = function(){ if(!$scope.$$phase) { $scope.$apply(function(){ $scope.item = { __add: true } }) }else{ $scope.item = { __add: true } } $('#addModal').modal() } //edit row $scope.edit = function(key){ angular.forEach($, function(data){ if(data[that._config.keyName] == key){ $scope.item = angular.copy(data) $scope.item.__add = false that._config.afterEdit($scope.item) } }) $('#addModal').modal() } //delete row $scope.delete = function(key, successCallback, errorCallback){ Bage.confirm_call('Are you sure to delete this record?', function(){ service.del(key, function(){ $scope.$apply(function(){ $ }) }) }) } $scope.submit = function(){ service.submit($scope.item, function(){ $('#addModal').modal('hide') $ }, function(e){ alert(e) }) } var list = function () { var pageNo = $scope.pagination.pageNo var pageSize = $scope.pagination.pageSize var query = [] for(var k in $scope.query){ var value = $scope.query[k] if(!value){ continue } var item = { column: k, value: value, operate: '=' } query.push(item) } service.list({data: query}, pageNo, pageSize, function(response){ $ = $ = response.count var pageCount = ($ - 1) / pageSize + 1 var grid = $('#' + that._tableId)[0] var data = { total: pageCount, page: $scope.pagination.pageNo, recoreds: $, rows: $ } grid.addJSONData(data) }, function(){ //handle error }) } // query data from server that._gridConfig.datatype = function(postdata){ if(!$scope.$$phase) { $scope.$apply(function(){ $scope.pagination.pageNo = }) }else{ $scope.pagination.pageNo = } } that._gridConfig.gridComplete = function() { var objs = angular.element('.bage-action') angular.forEach(objs, function(obj){ $compile(obj)($scope) }) } if(that._config.editable){ that.addButton('edit', 'btn-xs btn-primary', 'margin-left:5pxmargin-right:5px', 'edit($id)') } if(that._config.removeable){ that.addButton('delete', 'btn-xs btn-danger', 'margin-left:5pxmargin-right:5px', 'delete($id)') } var opCol = { name: 'op', align: 'center', width: 10, formatter: function(cellvalue, options, rowObject){ var key = rowObject[that._config.keyName] var s = '' for(var i=0 i' + s + '' } } //add funciton that._config.controllers($scope, service) //add data that._config.datas($scope) for(var i = that._gridConfig.colModel.length i--){ var formatter = that._gridConfig.colModel[i].formatter if(formatter && typeof formatter != 'function' && formatter.startsWith('ng:')){ var filters = formatter.replace('ng:', '') that._gridConfig.colModel[i].formatter = (function(filters){ return function(cellvalue, options, rowObject){ var list = filters.split('|') for(var ind in list){ var filter = list[ind] var filterName var params = [cellvalue] var tokenInd = filter.indexOf(':') if(tokenInd>0){ filterName = filter.substring(0, tokenInd) var param = filter.substring(tokenInd+1) param = param.replace(/'/g, '') params.push(param) }else{ filterName = filter } return $filter(filterName).apply(null, params) } } })(filters) } } that._gridConfig.colModel.push(opCol) $('#' + that._tableId).jqGrid(that._gridConfig) $('#' + that._tableId).jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', { view: false, add: false, edit: false, del: false, search: false, refresh: false, }).navButtonAdd('#pager',{ caption:'ADD', buttonicon:'ui-icon-plusthick', onClickButton: function(){ $scope.add() }, position:'last' }) $scope.$watch('pagination.pageNo + pagination.pageSize', list) // Add responsive to jqGrid $(window).bind('resize', function () { var width = $('.table_wrapper').width() $('#' + that._tableId).setGridWidth(width) }) }]) } Grid.prototype.init = function(){ = angular.module('app', []) //add filter this._config.filters( //init angularjs service this.initService() //init angularjs controller this.initCtrl() }
