
Appears Untrusted Application Launcher Shortcut Linux Problem Solving


[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Exec=/home/Downloads/mendeleydesktop/bin/mendeleydesktop %f Icon=/home/Downloads/mendeleydesktop/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/mendeleydesktop.png Name=Mendeley Type=Application Comment=Mendeley applications Terminal=0


Currently we only trust desktop files that have the executable bit set, and don't replace the displayed icon or the displayed name until it's trusted, which prevents for running random programs by a malicious desktop file. However, the executable permission is preserved if the desktop file comes from a compressed file. To prevent this, add a metadata::trusted metadata to the file once the user acknowledges the file as trusted. This adds metadata to the file, which cannot be added unless it has access to the computer. Also remove the SHEBANG 'trusted' content we were putting inside the desktop file, since that doesn't add more security since it can come with the file itself.