
C Language Implementation Dijkstra Algorithm


typedef int Status typedef struct ENode//Graph adjacency list definition { int adjVex//A vertex adjacent to any vertex u int w//The weight of the edge struct ENode* nextArc//Point to the next edge node }ENode typedef struct LGraph { int n//The current number of vertices of the graph int e//The current number of edges of the graph ENode **a//Point to a one-dimensional array of pointers }LGraph


int Choose(int *d, int *s,int n) //Select a node with the smallest weight to join the array s[] every time { int i,minpos,min min=INFTY minpos=-1 for(i=0i<ni++) { if(d[i]<min&&!s[i]) { min=d[i] minpos=i } } return minpos } Status Dijkstra(int v,int *d,int *path,LGraph *lg)//Dijkstra's algorithm to find the path { int i,j,k,w ENode *p p=lg->a[v]//Work pointer int *s if(v<0||v>lg->n-1) { return ERROR } s=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*lg->n) for(i=0i<lg->n i++) { s[i]=0 path[i]=-1 d[i]=INFTY } while(p)//Initialize { d[p->adjVex ]=p->w if(p->adjVex!=v&&d[p->adjVex ]<INFTY) { path[p->adjVex ]=v } p=p->nextArc } //Initialize each array s[v]=1 d[v]=0 for(i=1i<lg->n i++) { k=Choose(d,s,lg->n ) if(k==-1) { continue } //Determine whether a valid node is selected s[k]=1 p=lg->a[k] if(p==NULL) { continue } while(p) { if(!s[p->adjVex ]&&d[k]+p->w <d[p->adjVex ])//Update d and path { d[p->adjVex ]=d[k]+p->w path[p->adjVex ]=k } p=p->nextArc } } return OK } void fun(LGraph *lg)//This function is used to output the path { int v,u printf('please input u and v: ') scanf('%d %d',&u,&v) int d[lg->n] int path[lg->n] Dijkstra(u,d,path,lg) printf('path: ') if(path[v]==-1) { printf('None ') return } while (path[v]!=-1) { printf('%d <--- ',v) v=path[v] } printf('%d ',u) }