エラー:ZooKeeperからマスターアドレスを取得できません。 znodeデータ== null

Error Cant Get Master Address From Zookeeper


ERROR: Can't get master address from ZooKeeper znode data == null Here is some help for this command: List all tables in hbase. Optional regular expression parameter could be used to filter the output. Examples: hbase> list hbase> list 'abc.*' hbase> list 'ns:abc.*' hbase> list 'ns:.*' hbase(main):002:0> list


  • Zookeeperが起動しているかどうかを確認します(できれば設定済み)ZOOKEEPER_HOME environment variable
  • hbaseを開始しましたか?
[root@xxxxx datas]$ jps 3680 JobHistoryServer 3521 DataNode 36980 Main 36468 HMaster 3622 NodeManager 3577 ResourceManager 37210 Jps 35147 QuorumPeerMain #zookeeper 36588 HRegionServer # hbase 3470 NameNode [root@xxxxx datas]$

The window Linux virtual machine is used. It is suspended every time. This state occurs in the next use. It may be an individual phenomenon, or it may be because the network needs to use a proxy at work.


hbase(main):002:0> truncate 'fruits_mr' Truncating 'fruits_mr' table (it may take a while): - Disabling table... - Dropping table... - Creating table... 0 row(s) in 2.9430 seconds hbase(main):003:0>