

Explanation Setcompatibletextrenderingdefault

/* Some form controls can use the TextRenderer class when they are coloring their text. Graphics class. The TextRenderer class is based on the GDI graphics library, while the Graphics class is based on the GDI+ library. The coexistence of these two kinds begins with .NetFramework 2.0, partly due to performance reasons and partly due to localization of GDI+. If the control supports the UseCompatibleTextRenderingproperty property, this method sets this property to the default value. The UseCompatibleTextRendering property is used for forms controls that use the TextRenderer class and .Net Framework 1.0 and .Net Framework 1.1 applications that use the Graphics class. If your program is not upgraded from version 1.0 or 1.1, then it is recommended that you set this property to false. Do not call this method except for the form application. As for why the GDI-based TextRenderer class appears, it is mainly based on performance, aesthetics, etc., as well as compatibility issues with multi-language fonts. */ Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false)