(OK)gnuplot boxplot example-box plot-box plot

Gnuplot Boxplot Example Box Plot Box Plot

vim nc-gnuplot-1.dat

113 89 49 49 82 86 51 51 125 102 52 49 119 99 52 47 125 94 53 53 97 93 49 51 98 101 49 52 123 92 53 50 93 94 48 51 127 95 53 53 90 89 51 53 102 87 47 54 129 94 49 53 94 89 50 53 84 90 51 49 115 86 50 51 90 102 51 54 126 92 48 50 118 95 47 49 89 93 50 52 83 87 48 54 119 96 48 50 101 95 50 51 125 96 47 49 120 98 51 53 87 92 52 51 127 91 50 54 111 94 48 51 82 88 54 54 126 89 51 49
vim nc-gnuplot-1.plt # gnuplot nc-gnuplot-1.plt # display nc-gnuplot-1.png & # cp nc-gnuplot-1.png /root/desktop # mv nc-gnuplot-1.png /root/desktop #set terminal png truecolor set term png font '/usr/share/fonts/msttcore/times.ttf,13' set output 'nc-gnuplot-1.png' #set output 'nc-gnuplot-1.eps' set grid set style fill solid 0.25 border -1 set style boxplot outliers pointtype 7 set style data boxplot set xlabel 'experiments of different protocols' set ylabel 'nc - time to transfer file (seconds)' #set title 'My Plot' font 'Arial,14' set xtics ('1' 1, '2' 2, '3' 3, '4' 4) #plot for [i=1:4] 'nc-gnuplot-1.dat' using (i):i notitle plot 'nc-gnuplot-1.dat' using (1):1 title 'TCP-MDR', '' using (2):2 title 'MPTCP-FullPath-MDR', '' using (3):3 title 'MPTCP-FullPath-xIF-MDR', '' using (4):4 title 'MPTCP-PartPath-xIF-MDR'