
I Need Mindmap Latex That Have Children That Begot Children



  1. お望みならばA1子を産むには、後中かっこに入れる必要がありますA1ではなくA2。
  2. で明示的に成長角度を設定できます成長=。
  3. 親からの子の距離を決定するレベル距離は、次のようなキーを使用してコードにすでに設定されています。level 1 / .append style = {level distance = 8.2cm、...},。あなたはフレームを縮めます、私は理由がわかりません。いずれにせよ、シュラインファクターを考慮して距離を調整する必要があります。
  4. の子供たちB2はの子と同じ方法で設定できますA1。この点は、koleygrの回答でも取り上げられています。


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blue}  renewcommand { emph} [1] {%{ usebeamercolor [fg] {emph}  only#2 { itshape}#1}%} %%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%アークと角度の場合 usetikzlibrary {calc、angles } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  RequirePackage { luatex85}  usepackage {luamplib}  usepackage [round] {natbib}  title {作業タイトル:}  institute [LATEXD] {ラテックス部門で発表されたセミナー}  date { today}  usepackage {mathptmx}%http: //ctan.org/pkg/mathptmx% is TIME NEW ROMANS  usepackage {tgtermes}%times font% usepackage {wordlike}%MSWordをエミュレート usepackage {changepage、mathtools、amsthm、tikz、blindtext}  usepackage {inputenc、 float、caption、subcaption、enumitem}  usepackage [font = large、labelfont = bf、font = bf、labelsep = space] {caption}  usepackage [font = small、labelfont = bf、font = bf、labelsep = space] {サブキャプション}  usepackage {dat etime}  newdateformat {monthyeardate} {% monthname [ THEMONTH]、 THEYEAR} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%円弧と角度の場合 usetikzlibrary {calc、angles} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  RequirePackage {luatex85}  usepackage {luamplib}  usetikzlibrary {mindmap}  begin {document}  begin {frame} [壊れやすい、縮小= 72]  frametitle {〜}  begin {block} {時系列の大まかな分類}  begin {figure}%[H]  centering  begin {tikzpicture} [decoration = {start radius = 1cm、end radius = .5cm、振幅= 3mm、角度= 30}]%エクスペリエンスカラーを定義 colorlet {afcolor} {blue!50}  colorlet {mdcolor} {red!75}  colorlet {nmndcolor} {orange!80}  colorlet {nmescolor} {teal !70!green}  colorlet {citscolor} {violet!75}  begin {scope} [mindmap、every node / .style = {concept、circular drop shadow、minimum size = 0pt、execute at begin node =  hskip0pt、font =  bfseries}、ルートconcept / .append style = {concept color = black、fill = white、line width = 1.5ex、text = black、font =  huge  scshape  bfseries、}、レベル1のconcept / .append style = {f ont =  bfseries}、text = white、partner / .style = {concept color = blue!80!black}、air force / .style = {concept color = afcolor}、metadata / .style = {concept color = mdcolor} 、nmnd / .style = {concept color = nmndcolor}、nmes / .style = {concept color = nmescolor}、cits / .style = {concept color = citscolor}、循環成長、レベル1 / .append style = {level distance = 6cm}、レベル2 / .append style = {level distance = 5cm、font =  small}、level 3 / .append style = {level distance = 4cm}]  node [ルートコンセプト](チーム){A}% [%rotate = 20.5]%root child [partner、grow = 20] {node {A1} child [air force、grow = -40] {node {B3}} child [nmnd、grow = 20] {node {B2}子[cits、grow = -70] {ノード{C1}}子[cits、grow = -10] {ノード{C2}}子[cits、grow = 50] {ノード{C3} {}}子[nmes、grow = 80] {ノード{ textbf {B1}}}}子[パートナー、成長= 70] {ノード{A2}};  end {scope}  begin {scope} [xshift = -4.5cm、yshift = -6cm、すべてのノード/.style={align=left,text=black}]  matrix [row sep = 0pt、column sep = 1mm 、align = left、nodes = {align = left、anchor = west}] { fill [afcolor](0、.25ex)circle(1ex); & node {A}; \  fill [mdcolor](0、.25ex)circle(1ex); & node {A}; \  fill [nmndcolor](0、.25ex)circle(1ex); & node {A Environment}; \  fill [nmescolor](0、.25ex)circle(1ex); & node {A}; \  fill [citscolor](0、.25ex)circle(1ex); & node {A}; \};  end {scope}  end {tikzpicture}  caption {アルファベットの幅広い分類}  label {fig3.1a}  end {figure}  end {block}  end {frame}  end {document}



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blue}  renewcommand { emph} [1] {%{ usebeamercolor [fg] {emph}  only#2 { itshape}#1}%} %%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%アークと角度の場合 usetikzlibrary {calc、angles } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  RequirePackage { luatex85}  usepackage {luamplib}  usepackage [round] {natbib}  title {作業タイトル:}  institute [LATEXD] {ラテックス部門で発表されたセミナー}  date { today}  usepackage {mathptmx}%http: //ctan.org/pkg/mathptmx% is TIME NEW ROMANS  usepackage {tgtermes}%times font% usepackage {wordlike}%MSWordをエミュレート usepackage {changepage、mathtools、amsthm、tikz、blindtext}  usepackage {inputenc、 float、caption、subcaption、enumitem}  usepackage [font = large、labelfont = bf、font = bf、labelsep = space] {caption}  usepackage [font = small、labelfont = bf、font = bf、labelsep = space] {サブキャプション}  usepackage {dat etime}  newdateformat {monthyeardate} {% monthname [ THEMONTH]、 THEYEAR} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%円弧と角度の場合 usetikzlibrary {calc、angles} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  RequirePackage {luatex85}  usepackage {luamplib}  usetikzlibrary {mindmap}  begin {document}  begin {frame} [壊れやすい、縮小= 72]  frametitle {〜}  begin {block} {時系列の大まかな分類}  begin {figure}%[H]  centering  begin {tikzpicture} [decoration = {start radius = 1cm、end radius = .5cm、振幅= 3mm、角度= 30}]%エクスペリエンスカラーを定義 colorlet {afcolor} {blue!50}  colorlet {mdcolor} {red!75}  colorlet {nmndcolor} {orange!80}  colorlet {nmescolor} {teal !70!green}  colorlet {citscolor} {violet!75}  begin {scope} [mindmap、every node / .style = {concept、circular drop shadow、minimum size = 0pt、execute at begin node =  hskip0pt、font =  bfseries}、ルートconcept / .append style = {concept color = black、fill = white、line width = 1.5ex、text = black、font =  huge  scshape  bfseries、}、レベル1のconcept / .append style = {f ont =  bfseries}、text = white、partner / .style = {concept color = blue!80!black}、air force / .style = {concept color = afcolor}、metadata / .style = {concept color = mdcolor} 、nmnd / .style = {concept color = nmndcolor}、nmes / .style = {concept color = nmescolor}、cits / .style = {concept color = citscolor}、循環成長、レベル1 / .append style = {level distance = 8.2cm、兄弟の角度= -60}、レベル2 / .append style = {レベルの距離= 6cm、兄弟の角度= 6​​0}]、レベル3 / .append style = {レベルの距離= 6cm、兄弟の角度= 6​​0}]  node [ルートコンセプト](チーム){A} [rotate = 20.5]%ルート子[パートナー] {ノード{A1}}子[パートナー] {ノード{A2}子[空軍] {ノード{ small B3} }子[nmnd] {ノード{ smallB2}子{ノード{ footnotesizeC1}}子{ノード{ footnotesizeC2}}子{ノード{ footnotesizeC3}}}子[nmes] {ノード{ small  textbf {B1}}}};  end {scope}  begin {scope} [xshift = -4.5cm、yshift = -12.5cm、すべてのノード/.style={align=left,text=black}]  matrix [row sep = 0pt、column sep = 1mm、align = left、nodes = {align = left、anchor = west}] { fill [afcolor](0、.25ex)circle(1ex); & node {A}; \  fill [mdcolor](0、.25ex)circle(1ex); & node {A}; \  fill [nmndcolor](0、.25ex)circle(1ex); & node {A Environment}; \  fill [nmescolor](0、.25ex)circle(1ex); & node {A}; \  fill [citscolor](0、.25ex)circle(1ex); & node {A}; \};  end {scope}  end {tikzpicture}  caption {アルファベットの幅広い分類}  label {fig3.1a}  end {figure}  end {block}  end {frame}  end {document}

