
Jqgrid Dynamic Column

詳細を見るコード: jqgrid動的列と動的に生成されたcolModelcolNames



まず、トラブルが多すぎますが、クエリで1回だけ勝ちます。 2番目の推奨事項


select userid 'user ID', username 'user nicknames', password 'password' from table


var jqdata=[ { 'Userid': 01, 'username': 'shrimp Phi', 'password': 'biubiubiu'}, { 'Userid': 02, 'username': 'geoduck', 'password': 'boomboomboom'} ]


function pageInit(){ var jqdata = [{ 'userid': 01, 'username': 'shrimp Phi', 'password': 'Dynamic biubiubiu'}, { 'userid': 02, 'username': 'geoduck', 'password ':' dynamic boomboomboom '}] var names=[] var model=[] // here since the same data source array configuration not empty, traversing the index data directly to the 0 $.each(jqdata[0], function(key,value) { names.push(key) model.push({ name:key, index:key, width:100 }) }) // Create components jqGrid jQuery('#list2').jqGrid( { datatype: 'json', // request type of the returned data. Optional json, xml, txt colNames: names, // jqGrid column displays the name colModel : model, rowNum: 10, // a show how many rowList: [10, 20, 30], // the user selects a display for how many pager: '# pager2', // table footer placeholder (usually div) of id sortname: 'id', // initialization of the sort of field sortorder: 'desc', // Sort, optional desc, asc mtype: 'post', // ajax request data to the background type. Optional post, get viewrecords : true, Title name 'JSON Example' // table: caption }) // The jqdata value added to the circulation jqGrid // here only the first N data assignment, the data amount is determined according to the option rownum for (var i = 0 i <10 i++) { jQuery('#list2').jqGrid('addRowData', i + 1, jqdata[i]) } }

しかし、深刻な欠点があり、カスタムjqgridを書き直す方法があり、jqgrid urlがないため、URLを見つけるために.trigger( 'reloadGrid')メソッドを使用する必要があります。

$('#list2').migrid({ url:'wwww.xxxxxxxxxx.com?value=ssss' }).trigger('reloadGrid')

言葉遣い、重い作業負荷、リソースの節約、そして哀れな、無意味な描画は、突然考えただけです。 。 。私を叱らないで



select * from(select ROW_NUMBER()over(order by col ) * from table where 1=1 ) e where RowNumber between (page-1)*rows+1 and page*rows



var jqdata=[ { 'Userid': 01, 'username': 'shrimp Phi', 'password': 'biubiubiu'} ]


function pageInit(){ var jqdata = [{ 'userid': 01, 'username': 'shrimp Phi', 'password': 'Dynamic biubiubiu'}, { 'userid': 02, 'username': 'geoduck', 'password ':' dynamic boomboomboom '}] var names=[] var model=[] // here since the same data source array configuration not empty, traversing the index data directly to the 0 $.each(jqdata[0], function(key,value) { names.push(key) model.push({ name:key, index:key, width:100 }) }) // Create components jqGrid jQuery('#list2').jqGrid( { url:'www.xxxxx.com?value=sssss', datatype: 'json', // request type of the returned data. Optional json, xml, txt colNames: names, // jqGrid column displays the name colModel : model, rowNum: 10, // a show how many rowList: [10, 20, 30], // the user selects a display for how many pager: '# pager2', // table footer placeholder (usually div) of id sortname: 'id', // initialization of the sort of field sortorder: 'desc', // Sort, optional desc, asc mtype: 'post', // ajax request data to the background type. Optional post, get viewrecords : true, Title name 'JSON Example' // table: caption }) }
