
Latex Error Theres No Line Here End

改行文字 '\'の前に空白行またはキャリッジリターンを含めないでください


par ciphertext calculation: basic addition and multiplication calculation. \par Let me add that, in fact, pq is regarded as a public key, but since q is public, if pq is regarded as a public key, the private key p will be known immediately (p=pq/q), and this public key scheme is secure, and its security depends on the 'approximate GCD puzzle', here refers to the given part of xi=pqi+2ri, it is difficult to find p.


par ciphertext calculation: basic addition and multiplication calculation. \par Let me add that, in fact, pq is regarded as a public key, but since q is public, if pq is regarded as a public key, the private key p will be known immediately (p=pq/q), and this public key scheme is secure, and its security depends on the 'approximate GCD puzzle', here refers to the given part of xi=pqi+2ri, it is difficult to find p.