
No 66 Artificial Intelligence Learning





  • フロンティア:エッジ、拡張されていないノードを格納します。優先キューを維持することにより、パス損失に応じて配置されます。
  • 探索:セットを探索し、訪問したノードを保存します。


  • エッジが空の場合、失敗を返します。操作:空ですか? (フロンティア)
  • それ以外の場合は、エッジからリーフノードを選択します。操作:POP(フロンティア)
  • ターゲットテスト:パスバック、それ以外の場合はリーフノードの状態を探索セットに入れます
  • リーフノードのすべてのアクションをトラバースします






サンプルコード:(参照 )。

import pandas as pd from pandas import Series, DataFrame # City information: city1 city2 path_cost _city_info = None # FIFO sorted according to path consumption, low path consumption is in front _frontier_priority = [] # Node data structure class Node: def __init__(self, state, parent, action, path_cost): self.state = state self.parent = parent self.action = action self.path_cost = path_cost def main(): global _city_info import_city_info() while True: src_city = input('input src city ') dst_city = input('input dst city ') # result = breadth_first_search(src_city, dst_city) result = uniform_cost_search(src_city, dst_city) if not result: print('from city: %s to city %s search failure' % (src_city, dst_city)) else: print('from city: %s to city %s search success' % (src_city, dst_city)) path = [] while True: path.append(result.state) if result.parent is None: break result = result.parent size = len(path) for i in range(size): if i ' % path.pop(), end='') else: print(path.pop()) def import_city_info(): global _city_info data = [{'city1': 'Oradea', 'city2': 'Zerind', 'path_cost': 71}, {'city1': 'Oradea', 'city2': 'Sibiu', 'path_cost': 151}, {'city1': 'Zerind', 'city2': 'Arad', 'path_cost': 75}, {'city1': 'Arad', 'city2': 'Sibiu', 'path_cost': 140}, {'city1': 'Arad', 'city2': 'Timisoara', 'path_cost': 118}, {'city1': 'Timisoara', 'city2': 'Lugoj', 'path_cost': 111}, {'city1': 'Lugoj', 'city2': 'Mehadia', 'path_cost': 70}, {'city1': 'Mehadia', 'city2': 'Drobeta', 'path_cost': 75}, {'city1': 'Drobeta', 'city2': 'Craiova', 'path_cost': 120}, {'city1': 'Sibiu', 'city2': 'Fagaras', 'path_cost': 99}, {'city1': 'Sibiu', 'city2': 'Rimnicu Vilcea', 'path_cost': 80}, {'city1': 'Rimnicu Vilcea', 'city2': 'Craiova', 'path_cost': 146}, {'city1': 'Rimnicu Vilcea', 'city2': 'Pitesti', 'path_cost': 97}, {'city1': 'Craiova', 'city2': 'Pitesti', 'path_cost': 138}, {'city1': 'Fagaras', 'city2': 'Bucharest', 'path_cost': 211}, {'city1': 'Pitesti', 'city2': 'Bucharest', 'path_cost': 101}, {'city1': 'Bucharest', 'city2': 'Giurgiu', 'path_cost': 90}, {'city1': 'Bucharest', 'city2': 'Urziceni', 'path_cost': 85}, {'city1': 'Urziceni', 'city2': 'Vaslui', 'path_cost': 142}, {'city1': 'Urziceni', 'city2': 'Hirsova', 'path_cost': 98}, {'city1': 'Neamt', 'city2': 'Iasi', 'path_cost': 87}, {'city1': 'Iasi', 'city2': 'Vaslui', 'path_cost': 92}, {'city1': 'Hirsova', 'city2': 'Eforie', 'path_cost': 86}] _city_info = DataFrame(data, columns=['city1', 'city2', 'path_cost']) # print(_city_info) ''' def breadth_first_search(src_state, dst_state): global _city_info node = Node(src_state, None, None, 0) frontier = [node] explored = [] while True: if len(frontier) == 0: return False node = frontier.pop(0) explored.append(node.state) # Target test if node.state == dst_state: return node if node.parent is not None: print('deal node:state:%s parent state:%s path cost:%d' % (node.state, node.parent.state, node.path_cost)) else: print('deal node:state:%s parent state:%s path cost:%d' % (node.state, None, node.path_cost)) # Traverse child nodes for i in range(len(_city_info)): dst_city = '' if _city_info['city1'][i] == node.state: dst_city = _city_info['city2'][i] elif _city_info['city2'][i] == node.state: dst_city = _city_info['city1'][i] if dst_city == '': continue child = Node(dst_city, node, 'go', node.path_cost + _city_info['path_cost'][i]) print(' child node:state:%s path cost:%d' % (child.state, child.path_cost)) if child.state not in explored and not is_node_in_frontier(frontier, child): frontier.append(child) print(' add child to child') ''' def is_node_in_frontier(frontier, node): for x in frontier: if node.state == x.state: return True return False def uniform_cost_search(src_state, dst_state): global _city_info, _frontier_priority node = Node(src_state, None, None, 0) frontier_priority_add(node) explored = [] while True: if len(_frontier_priority) == 0: return False node = _frontier_priority.pop(0) explored.append(node.state) # Target test if node.state == dst_state: print(' this node is goal!') return node if node.parent is not None: print('deal node:state:%s parent state:%s path cost:%d' % (node.state, node.parent.state, node.path_cost)) else: print('deal node:state:%s parent state:%s path cost:%d' % (node.state, None, node.path_cost)) # Traverse child nodes for i in range(len(_city_info)): dst_city = '' if _city_info['city1'][i] == node.state: dst_city = _city_info['city2'][i] elif _city_info['city2'][i] == node.state: dst_city = _city_info['city1'][i] if dst_city == '': continue child = Node(dst_city, node, 'go', node.path_cost + _city_info['path_cost'][i]) print(' child node:state:%s path cost:%d' % (child.state, child.path_cost)) if child.state not in explored and not is_node_in_frontier(_frontier_priority, child): frontier_priority_add(child) print(' add child to frontier') elif is_node_in_frontier(_frontier_priority, child): # Replace with nodes with less path consumption frontier_priority_replace_by_priority(child) def frontier_priority_add(node): ''' :param Node node: :return: ''' global _frontier_priority size = len(_frontier_priority) for i in range(size): #If the newly added node has a small threshold, insert it into the queue if node.path_cost <_frontier_priority[i].path_cost: _frontier_priority.insert(i, node) return # Otherwise, the newly added node has a larger threshold than the existing nodes in the priority queue, and is directly added to the end of the queue _frontier_priority.append(node) def frontier_priority_replace_by_priority(node): ''' :param Node node: :return: ''' global _frontier_priority size = len(_frontier_priority) for i in range(size): if _frontier_priority[i].state == node.state and _frontier_priority[i].path_cost> node.path_cost: print(' replace state: %s old cost:%d new cost:%d' % (node.state,_frontier_priority[i].path_cost,node.path_cost)) _frontier_priority[i] = node return if __name__ == '__main__': main()