ORM-Dapper + DapperExtensions

Orm Dapper Dapperextensions





2、サポートされているデータベースはかなりたくさんあります、 Mysql、SqlLite、Sqlserver、Oracle 一連のデータベースを待ちます。

3. Dapperの原則は、IDataReaderのシーケンスキューを反映して、Emitによってオブジェクトをすばやく取得および生成します。パフォーマンスは素晴らしいようです





ここで紹介しているのは DapperExtensions





2. Dapperパッケージの場合、一般的に使用されるCRUDメソッドには独立したクエリ構文があります。







未満 シンプル Dapperの基本的な構文を紹介します。



using System.Data.Common using System.Data namespace HY.DataAccess { /// /// Provides basic operations on the database. The connection string needs to be configured in the database. /// public interface IDBHelper { /// /// Generate a paging SQL statement /// /// /// /// /// /// /// string GetPagingSql(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string selectSql, string sqlCount, string orderBy) /// /// Start a transaction /// /// DbTransaction BeginTractionand() /// /// Start a transaction /// /// Database connection character key DbTransaction BeginTractionand(string connKey) /// /// Rollback transaction /// /// The transaction to be rolled back void RollbackTractionand(DbTransaction dbTransaction) /// /// End and confirm the transaction /// /// The transaction to end void CommitTractionand(DbTransaction dbTransaction) #region DataSet /// /// Execute the sql statement, ExecuteDataSet returns the DataSet /// /// sql statement /// DataSet ExecuteDataSet(string commandText, CommandType commandType) /// /// Execute the sql statement, ExecuteDataSet returns the DataSet /// /// Database connection character key /// sql statement /// DataSet ExecuteDataSet(string connKey, string commandText, CommandType commandType) /// /// Execute the sql statement, ExecuteDataSet returns the DataSet /// /// sql statement /// /// parameters DataSet ExecuteDataSet(string commandText, CommandType commandType, params DbParameter[] parameterValues) /// /// Execute the sql statement, ExecuteDataSet returns the DataSet /// /// Database connection character key /// sql statement /// /// parameters DataSet ExecuteDataSet(string connKey, string commandText, CommandType commandType, params DbParameter[] parameterValues) #endregion #region ExecuteNonQuery /// /// Execute sql statement, return the number of rows affected /// /// sql statement /// int ExecuteNonQuery(string commandText, CommandType commandType) /// /// Execute sql statement, return the number of rows affected /// /// Database connection character key /// sql statement /// int ExecuteNonQuery(string connKey, string commandText, CommandType commandType) /// /// Execute sql statement, return the number of rows affected /// /// transaction object /// sql statement /// int ExecuteNonQuery(DbTransaction trans, string commandText, CommandType commandType) /// /// Execute sql statement, return the number of rows affected /// /// sql statement /// /// parameters int ExecuteNonQuery(string commandText, CommandType commandType, params DbParameter[] parameterValues) /// /// Execute sql statement, return the number of rows affected /// /// Database connection character key /// sql statement /// /// parameters int ExecuteNonQuery(string connKey, string commandText, CommandType commandType, params DbParameter[] parameterValues) /// /// Execute sql statement, return the number of rows affected /// /// transaction object /// sql statement /// /// parameters int ExecuteNonQuery(DbTransaction trans, string commandText, CommandType commandType, params DbParameter[] parameterValues) #endregion #region IDataReader /// /// Execute the sql statement, ExecuteReader returns IDataReader /// /// sql statement /// IDataReader ExecuteReader(string commandText, CommandType commandType) /// /// Execute the sql statement, ExecuteReader returns IDataReader /// /// sql statement /// /// parameters IDataReader ExecuteReader(string commandText, CommandType commandType, params DbParameter[] parameterValues) /// /// Execute the sql statement, ExecuteReader returns IDataReader /// /// Database connection character key /// sql statement /// IDataReader ExecuteReader(string connKey, string commandText, CommandType commandType) /// /// Execute the sql statement, ExecuteReader returns IDataReader /// /// Database connection character key /// sql statement /// /// parameters IDataReader ExecuteReader(string connKey, string commandText, CommandType commandType, params DbParameter[] parameterValues) #endregion #region ExecuteScalar /// /// Execute the sql statement, ExecuteScalar returns the value of the first column of the first row /// /// sql statement /// object ExecuteScalar(string commandText, CommandType commandType) /// /// Execute the sql statement, ExecuteScalar returns the value of the first column of the first row /// /// sql statement /// /// parameters object ExecuteScalar(string commandText, CommandType commandType, params DbParameter[] parameterValues) /// /// Execute the sql statement, ExecuteScalar returns the value of the first column of the first row /// /// transaction /// sql statement /// object ExecuteScalar(DbTransaction trans, string commandText, CommandType commandType) /// /// Execute the sql statement, ExecuteScalar returns the value of the first column of the first row /// /// Database connection character key /// sql statement /// object ExecuteScalar(string connKey, string commandText, CommandType commandType) /// /// Execute the sql statement, ExecuteScalar returns the value of the first column of the first row /// /// Database connection character key /// sql statement /// /// parameters object ExecuteScalar(string connKey, string commandText, CommandType commandType, params DbParameter[] parameterValues) /// /// Execute the sql statement, ExecuteScalar returns the value of the first column of the first row /// /// transaction /// sql statement /// /// parameters /// object ExecuteScalar(DbTransaction trans, string commandText, CommandType commandType, params DbParameter[] parameterValues) #endregion } }



using System using System.Data namespace HY.DataAccess { /// /// Database interface /// public interface IDatabase { IDbConnection Connection { get } DatabaseType DatabaseType { get } string ConnKey { get } } /// /// Database class object /// public class Database : IDatabase { public IDbConnection Connection { get private set } public DatabaseType DatabaseType { get private set } public string ConnKey { get set } public Database(IDbConnection connection) { Connection = connection } public Database(DatabaseType dbType, string connKey) { DatabaseType = dbType ConnKey = connKey Connection = SqlConnectionFactory.CreateSqlConnection(dbType, connKey) } } /// /// Session interface for data connection transactions /// public interface IDBSession : IDisposable { string ConnKey { get } DatabaseType DatabaseType { get } IDbConnection Connection { get } IDbTransaction Transaction { get } IDbTransaction Begin(IsolationLevel isolation = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted) void Commit() void Rollback() } }



わかりました、以下 シンプル Dapper-Extensionsを使用する基本的な構文を紹介します(リポジトリモードはDapper-Extensionsに基づいて使用され、コード効果は次のとおりです)。


using System using System.Collections.Generic using System.Configuration using System.Data namespace HY.DataAccess { public enum DatabaseType { SqlServer, MySql, Oracle, DB2 } public class SqlConnectionFactory { public static IDbConnection CreateSqlConnection(DatabaseType dbType, string strKey) { IDbConnection connection = null string strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[strKey].ConnectionString switch (dbType) { case DatabaseType.SqlServer: connection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(strConn) break case DatabaseType.MySql: //connection = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(strConn) //break case DatabaseType.Oracle: //connection = new Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection(strConn) connection = new System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection(strConn) break case DatabaseType.DB2: connection = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(strConn) break } return connection } } }





using System.Collections.Generic using System.Data using DapperExtensions using HY.DataAccess namespace HY.ORM { public interface IDataServiceRepository { IDBSession DBSession { get } T GetById(dynamic primaryId) where T : class IEnumerable GetByIds(IList ids) where T : class IEnumerable GetAll() where T : class int Count(object predicate, bool buffered = false) where T : class //lsit IEnumerable GetList(object predicate = null, IList sort = null, bool buffered = false) where T : class IEnumerable GetPageList(int pageIndex, int pageSize, out long allRowsCount, object predicate = null, IList sort = null, bool buffered = true) where T : class dynamic Insert(T entity, IDbTransaction transaction = null) where T : class bool InsertBatch(IEnumerable entityList, IDbTransaction transaction = null) where T : class bool Update(T entity, IDbTransaction transaction = null) where T : class bool UpdateBatch(IEnumerable entityList, IDbTransaction transaction = null) where T : class int Delete(dynamic primaryId, IDbTransaction transaction = null) where T : class int DeleteList(object predicate, IDbTransaction transaction = null) where T : class bool DeleteBatch(IEnumerable ids, IDbTransaction transaction = null) where T : class } }


using System using System.Collections.Generic using System.Data using Dapper using HY.DataAccess namespace HY.ORM { public interface IDataRepository : IDataServiceRepository { IDBSession DBSession { get } IEnumerable Get(string sql, dynamic param = null, bool buffered = true) where T : class IEnumerable Get(string sql, dynamic param = null, bool buffered = true) IEnumerable Get(string sql, Func map, dynamic param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = 'Id', int? commandTimeout = null) IEnumerable Get(string sql, Func map, dynamic param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = 'Id', int? commandTimeout = null) SqlMapper.GridReader GetMultiple(string sql, dynamic param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null) IEnumerable GetPage(int pageIndex, int pageSize, out long allRowsCount, string sql, dynamic param = null, string allRowsCountSql=null, dynamic allRowsCountParam = null, bool buffered = true) where T : class Int32 Execute(string sql, dynamic param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null) } }


using System.Collections.Generic using System.Data using System.Linq using Dapper using DapperExtensions using HY.DataAccess namespace HY.ORM { public class RepositoryServiceBase : IDataServiceRepository { public RepositoryServiceBase() { } public RepositoryServiceBase(IDBSession dbSession) { DBSession = dbSession } public IDBSession DBSession { get private set } public void SetDBSession(IDBSession dbSession) { DBSession = dbSession } /// /// Get entity based on Id /// /// /// /// public T GetById(dynamic primaryId) where T : class { return DBSession.Connection.Get(primaryId as object, databaseType: DBSession.DatabaseType) } /// /// Get multiple entities based on multiple Ids /// /// /// /// public IEnumerable GetByIds(IList ids) where T : class { var tblName = string.Format('dbo.{0}', typeof(T).Name) var idsin = string.Join(',', ids.ToArray()) var sql = 'SELECT * FROM @table WHERE Id in (@ids)' IEnumerable dataList = DBSession.Connection.Query(sql, new { table = tblName, ids = idsin }) return dataList } /// /// Get all data collections /// /// /// public IEnumerable GetAll() where T : class { return DBSession.Connection.GetList(databaseType: DBSession.DatabaseType) } /// /// Total number of statistics /// /// /// /// /// public int Count(object predicate, bool buffered = false) where T : class { return DBSession.Connection.Count(predicate, databaseType: DBSession.DatabaseType) } /// /// Query list data /// /// /// /// /// /// public IEnumerable GetList(object predicate = null, IList sort = null, bool buffered = false) where T : class { return DBSession.Connection.GetList(predicate, sort, null, null, buffered, databaseType: DBSession.DatabaseType) } /// /// Pagination /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public IEnumerable GetPageList(int pageIndex, int pageSize, out long allRowsCount, object predicate = null, IList sort = null, bool buffered = true) where T : class { if (sort == null) { sort = new List() } IEnumerable entityList = DBSession.Connection.GetPage(predicate, sort, pageIndex, pageSize, null, null, buffered, databaseType: DBSession.DatabaseType) allRowsCount = DBSession.Connection.Count(predicate, databaseType: DBSession.DatabaseType) return entityList } /// /// Insert a single record /// /// /// /// /// public dynamic Insert(T entity, IDbTransaction transaction = null) where T : class { dynamic result = DBSession.Connection.Insert(entity, transaction, databaseType: DBSession.DatabaseType) return result } /// /// Update a single record /// /// /// /// /// public bool Update(T entity, IDbTransaction transaction = null) where T : class { bool isOk = DBSession.Connection.Update(entity, transaction, databaseType: DBSession.DatabaseType) return isOk } /// /// delete a single record /// /// /// /// /// public int Delete(dynamic primaryId, IDbTransaction transaction = null) where T : class { var entity = GetById(primaryId) var obj = entity as T int isOk = DBSession.Connection.Delete(obj, databaseType: DBSession.DatabaseType) return isOk } /// /// delete a single record /// /// /// /// /// public int DeleteList(object predicate = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null) where T : class { return DBSession.Connection.Delete(predicate, transaction, databaseType: DBSession.DatabaseType) } /// /// Bulk insert function /// /// /// /// public bool InsertBatch(IEnumerable entityList, IDbTransaction transaction = null) where T : class { bool isOk = false foreach (var item in entityList) { Insert(item, transaction) } isOk = true return isOk } /// /// Batch update () /// /// /// /// /// public bool UpdateBatch(IEnumerable entityList, IDbTransaction transaction = null) where T : class { bool isOk = false foreach (var item in entityList) { Update(item, transaction) } isOk = true return isOk } /// /// batch deletion /// /// /// /// /// public bool DeleteBatch(IEnumerable ids, IDbTransaction transaction = null) where T : class { bool isOk = false foreach (var id in ids) { Delete(id, transaction) } isOk = true return isOk } } }





using System using System.Collections.Generic using System.Data using Dapper using DapperExtensions using HY.DataAccess namespace HY.ORM { /// /// Repository base class /// public class RepositoryBase : RepositoryServiceBase, IDataRepository { public RepositoryBase() { } public new void SetDBSession(IDBSession dbSession) { base.SetDBSession(dbSession) } public RepositoryBase(IDBSession dbSession) : base(dbSession) { } /// /// Filter out data collection based on criteria /// /// /// /// /// /// public IEnumerable Get(string sql, dynamic param = null, bool buffered = true) where T : class { return DBSession.Connection.Query(sql, param as object, DBSession.Transaction, buffered) } /// /// Filter data collection based on criteria /// /// /// /// /// public IEnumerable Get(string sql, dynamic param = null, bool buffered = true) { return DBSession.Connection.Query(sql, param as object, DBSession.Transaction, buffered) } /// /// Paging query /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public IEnumerable GetPage(int pageIndex, int pageSize, out long allRowsCount, string sql, dynamic param = null, string allRowsCountSql = null, dynamic allRowsCountParam = null, bool buffered = true) where T : class { IEnumerable entityList = DBSession.Connection.GetPage(pageIndex, pageSize, out allRowsCount, sql, param as object, allRowsCountSql, null, null, buffered, databaseType: DBSession.DatabaseType) return entityList } /// /// Filter by expression /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public IEnumerable Get(string sql, Func map, dynamic param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = 'Id', int? commandTimeout = null) { return DBSession.Connection.Query(sql, map, param as object, transaction, buffered, splitOn) } /// /// Filter by expression /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public IEnumerable Get(string sql, Func map, dynamic param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, string splitOn = 'Id', int? commandTimeout = null) { return DBSession.Connection.Query(sql, map, param as object, transaction, buffered, splitOn) } /// /// Get multiple entity collections /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public SqlMapper.GridReader GetMultiple(string sql, dynamic param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null) { return DBSession.Connection.QueryMultiple(sql, param as object, transaction, commandTimeout, commandType) } /// /// Execute sql operation /// /// /// /// public int Execute(string sql, dynamic param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null) { return DBSession.Connection.Execute(sql, param as object, transaction) } } }


using (IDbConnection conn = GetConnection()) { const string query = 'select * from XO order by id desc' return conn.Query(query,null) }


Int xoID=666 //variable primary key using (IDbConnection conn = GetConnection()) { const string query = 'select * from XO where root@xxxxx' return conn.Query(query, new { MyID = xoID}) }


 / / entity class DemoEntity entity = new DemoEntity() / / According to the entity primary key delete this.Delete(entity) / / According to the primary key ID delete this.Delete(1) //increase this.Insert(entity) //update bool result = this.Update(entity) / / According to the primary key to return the entity entity = this.GetById(1) //Return the number of rows this.Count(new { ID = 1 }) //Query all IEnumerable list = this.GetAll() IList sort = new List() sort.Add(new Sort { PropertyName = 'ID', Ascending = false }) / / conditional query list = this.GetList(new { ID = 1, Name = '123' }, sort) //orm splicing condition query IList predList = new List() predList.Add(Predicates.Field(p => p.Name, Operator.Like, 'Don't know %')) predList.Add(Predicates.Field(p => p.ID, Operator.Eq, 1)) IPredicateGroup predGroup = Predicates.Group(GroupOperator.And, predList.ToArray()) list = this.GetList(predGroup) //Paging query long allRowsCount = 0 this.GetPageList(1, 10, out allRowsCount, new { ID = 1 }, sort)


上記のコードはにコンパイルすることができます HY.ORM.DLL ファイルがなくなりました。







このようにして、this.Get( 'select * from Demo where root @ xxxxx'、new {ID = 1})をクラスに実装できます。









そのユーザーテーブルのインスタンスを作成しましょう。 テーブルの構造は次のとおりです(次の図はコードジェネレーターのスクリーンショット効果です。データベースの説明を直接変更し、武器を開発できます。ここに友達が必要です 【CodeBuilder-RazorEngine】 )。



















2、ISys_UsersService iSys_UsersService = new Sys_UsersService()(この部分は実際にIoC、関連コンテンツを使用し、その後の分解を聞くことができます)





変更されたDapperExtensions: Dapperextensions.RAR

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