
Role Difference Between Os


自動テストでは、多くの場合、構成ファイルの検索(したがって構成ファイルの読み取り)、テストレポートの検索(したがってテストレポートメッセージの送信)などの操作ファイルを見つける必要があり、多くの場合、多数のファイルを処理します。ファイルと多数のパスの。 osモジュールに依存するため、今日より一般的に使用されている方法。インターネットにもたくさんの情報があります。整理するたびに、モジュールの使い方を深めるために学んだ知識を整理するだけです。

#OS The #os module is to operate the operating system. To use the module, you must first import the module: import os #getcwd() Get the current working directory (the current working directory defaults to the folder where the current file is located) result = os.getcwd() print(result) #chdir()Change the current working directory os.chdir('/home/sy') result = os.getcwd() print(result) open('02.txt','w') # If you write a complete path, you do not need to consider the default working directory, follow the actual writing path Open('/home/sy/Download/02.txt', 'w') #listdir() Get the list of names of all the contents in the specified folder result = os.listdir('/home/sy') print(result) #mkdir() Create a folder #os.mkdir('girls') #os.mkdir('boys',0o777) #makedirs() Recursively create a folder #os.makedirs('/home/sy/a/b/c/d') #rmdir() Delete empty directory #os.rmdir('girls') #removedirs Recursive deletion of folders must be empty directories #os.removedirs('/home/sy/a/b/c/d') #rename() Renaming a file or folder #os.rename('/home/sy/a','/home/sy/alibaba' #os.rename('02.txt','002.txt') #stat() Get information about a file or folder #result = os.stat('/home/sy/PycharmProject/Python3/10.27/ #print(result) #system() Execute system command (dangerous function) #result = os.system('ls -al') #Get hidden files #print(result) # ''' An environment variable is a collection of commands The environment variable of the operating system is the set of directories in which the operating system searches for commands when executing system commands. ''' #getenv() Get the environment variables of the system result = os.getenv('PATH') print(result.split(':')) #putenv() Add a directory to the environment variable (temporary addition is only valid for the current script) #os.putenv('PATH','/home/sy/Download') #os.system('syls') #exit() Exit terminal command Common values ​​in the #os module #curdir indicates the current folder. Indicates the current folder. Generally, it can be omitted. print(os.curdir) #pardir indicates the folder above. .. indicates that the folder above is not to be omitted! print(os.pardir) #os.mkdir('../../../man')#relative path Find from the current directory #os.mkdir('/home/sy/man1')#Absolute path Find from the root directory #name Get the name string representing the operating system Print( #posix -> linux or unix system nt -> window system #sep Get system path interval symbol window -> linux ->/ print(os.sep) #extsep Get the interval symbol between the file name and the suffix window & linux -> . print(os.extsep) #linesep Get the line break of the operating system window -> linux/unix -> print(repr(os.linesep)) #import os module import os # is the contents of the os.path submodule #abspath() Convert a relative path to an absolute path Path = './boys'#relative result = os.path.abspath(path) print(result) #dirname() Get the directory part of the full path & basename() to get the body part of the full path path = '/home/sy/boys' result = os.path.dirname(path) print(result) result = os.path.basename(path) print(result) #split() Cut a complete path into a directory part and a body part path = '/home/sy/boys' result = os.path.split(path) print(result) #join() Combine 2 paths into one var1 = '/home/sy' var2 = '' result = os.path.join(var1,var2) print(result) #splitext() Cuts a path into a file suffix and two other parts, mainly used to get the suffix of the file. path = '/home/sy/' result = os.path.splitext(path) print(result) #getsize() Get the size of the file #path = '/home/sy/' #result = os.path.getsize(path) #print(result) #isfile() Check if it is a file path = '/home/sy/' result = os.path.isfile(path) print(result) #isdir() Check if it is a folder result = os.path.isdir(path) print(result) #islink() Check if it is a link path = '/initrd.img.old' result = os.path.islink(path) print(result) #getctime() Get the creation time of the file get create time #getmtime() Get the modification time of the file get modify time #getatime() Get the access time of the file get active time import time Filepath = '/home/sy/download/chls' result = os.path.getctime(filepath) print(time.ctime(result)) result = os.path.getmtime(filepath) print(time.ctime(result)) result = os.path.getatime(filepath) print(time.ctime(result)) #exists() Check if a path exists Filepath = '/home/sy/download/chls' result = os.path.exists(filepath) print(result) #isabs() Check if a path is an absolute path path = '/boys' result = os.path.isabs(path) print(result) #samefile() Check if 2 paths are the same file Path1 = '/home/sy/download /001' Path2 = '../../../Download /001' result = os.path.samefile(path1,path2) print(result) #os.environ Used to get and set the built-in value of system environment variables import os #Get system environment variable getenv() effect print(os.environ['PATH']) # System environment variable putenv() Os.environ['PATH'] += ':/home/sy/download' os.system('chls')



#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 __author__ = 'Luzhuo' __date__ = '2017/5/8' # sys interpreter related function # This module contains some variables of the interpreter and functions that interact with the interpreter import sys def sys_demo(): #default encoding print(sys.getdefaultencoding()) # Python version print(sys.version) # Add module path to search path sys.path.append('./module') # (function) print exception information try: 1 / 0 except: Types, value, back = sys.exc_info() # catch exception Sys.excepthook(types, value, back) # print exception #Input and output sys.stdout.write('>> ') sys.stdout.flush() strs = sys.stdin.readline()[:-1] Sys.stderr.write('The input is: {}'.format(strs)) sys.stderr.flush() def sys_func(): Lists = sys.argv # list of command line arguments passed to the Python script => python -> [''] / python a 1 -> ['', 'a', '1'] / In-program execution -> [''] Strs = sys.getdefaultencoding() # default character set name Strs = sys.getfilesystemencoding() # system file name character set name Num = sys.getrefcount(object) # Returns the reference count of the object (1 more than the actual number) Dicts = sys.modules # loaded module, can be modified, but cannot be modified by modifying the returned dictionary Lists = sys.path # module search path Sys.path.append('./test') # Dynamically add module search path Strs = sys.platform # platform identifier (system identity for detailed checking, recommended) Linux: 'linux' / Windows: 'win32' / Cygwin: 'cygwin' / Mac OS X: 'darwin' Strs = sys.version # python interpreter version Lists = sys.thread_info # thread information Num = sys.api_version # Interpreter C API version Types, value, back = sys.exc_info() # Capture exceptions See exceptions The second part of the excep() code block of the article ( Sys.excepthook(types, value, back) # print exception types = sys.last_type value = sys.last_value back = sys.last_traceback # sys.exit([arg]) // Raises SystemExit exception to exit Python (can try), range [0,127], None==0, 'string'==1 sys.exit(0) Num = sys.getrecursionlimit() # maximum recursion number (stack maximum depth), see function article ( Sys.setrecursionlimit(5000) # modify the maximum number of recursions Fnum = sys.getswitchinterval() # Get thread switching interval Sys.setswitchinterval(0.005) # Set the thread switching interval, in seconds Num = sys.getcheckinterval() # Interpreter check interval Sys.setcheckinterval(100) # Set the interpreter check interval, execute (default) 100 virtual instructions to perform a check, check the value of each virtual instruction when the value is >') sys.stdout.flush() # sys.stderr // Annotate the error stream sys.stderr.write('>>') # --- Lists = sys.builtin_module_names # All modules (Note: non-imported modules) Path = sys.base_exec_prefix # Python installation path Path = sys.base_prefix # with base_exec_prefix Path = sys.exec_prefix # with base_exec_prefix Path = sys.prefix # with base_exec_prefix Path = sys.executable # absolute path to the Python interpreter Strs = ys.byteorder # native byte order indicator, big-endian (most significant byte first) value is 'big', little-endian (least significant byte first) value is 'little ' Strs = sys.copyright # python copyright Num = sys.hexversion # hexadecimal version number Lists = sys.implementation # Information about the currently running interpreter Num = sys.getallocatedblocks() # The number of memory blocks currently allocated by the interpreter Boolean = sys.dont_write_bytecode # Whether to try to import the source module is to write the .pyc file (False will write to the .pyc file) # sys.getsizeof(object[, default]) // Returns the size bit of the object, only calculates its own memory consumption, does not calculate the memory consumption of the reference object, calls the object's __sizeof__(), default does not get the default return value num = sys.getsizeof(object) Boolean = sys.is_finalizing() # Whether the interpreter is being shut down Num = sys.maxsize # maximum integer value (2 ** 31 -1), related to the system Num = sys.maxunicode # integer Unicode value integer (1114111) Strs = sys.ps1 # interpreter master prompt Strs = sys.ps2 # interpreter secondary prompt Sys.call_tracing(func, ('arg',)) # call function Sys._clear_type_cache() # clear internal type cache Sys._debugmallocstats() # Print low-level information about the state of the CPython memory allocator Sys.setprofile(profilefunc) # Set profile function, default None Sys.getprofile() # Get the profile function Sys.settrace(tracefunc) # Set the trace function, def tracefunc(frame, event, and arg): Sys.gettrace() # Get the trace function, default None Sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(wrapper) # Set the wrapper def wrapper(coro): Sys.get_coroutine_wrapper() # wrapper, default None if __name__ == '__main__': sys_demo() # sys_func() --------------------- Author: brucewong0516 Source: CSDN Original: Copyright statement: This article is the original article of the blogger, please attach the blog post link!