
Systemverilog Randcase



randcase item : statement ... endcase

すべての重みの合計は9であるため、最初のブランチを選択する確率は1/9または11.11%、2番目のブランチを選択する確率は5/9または55.56%、最後のブランチを選択する確率は3 /です。 9または33.33%。

module tb initial begin for (int i = 0 i < 10 i++) randcase 1 : $display ('Wt 1') 5 : $display ('Wt 5') 3 : $display ('Wt 3') endcase end endmodule Simulation Log ncsim> run Wt 5 Wt 5 Wt 3 Wt 5 Wt 1 Wt 3 Wt 5 Wt 3 Wt 3 Wt 5 ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.


module tb initial begin for (int i = 0 i < 10 i++) randcase 0 : $display ('Wt 1') 5 : $display ('Wt 5') 3 : $display ('Wt 3') endcase end endmodule Simulation Log ncsim> run Wt 5 Wt 5 Wt 3 Wt 5 Wt 5 Wt 3 Wt 5 Wt 3 Wt 3 Wt 5 ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.


module tb initial begin for (int i = 0 i < 10 i++) randcase 0 : $display ('Wt 1') 0 : $display ('Wt 5') 0 : $display ('Wt 3') endcase end endmodule Simulation Log ncsim> run ncsim: *W,RANDNOB: The sum of the weight expressions in the randcase statement is 0. No randcase branch was taken. File: ./, line = 4, pos = 14 Scope: tb.unmblk1 Time: 0 FS + 0 ncsim: *W,RANDNOB: The sum of the weight expressions in the randcase statement is 0. No randcase branch was taken. File: ./, line = 4, pos = 14 Scope: tb.unmblk1 Time: 0 FS + 0 ncsim: *W,RANDNOB: The sum of the weight expressions in the randcase statement is 0. No randcase branch was taken. File: ./, line = 4, pos = 14 Scope: tb.unmblk1 Time: 0 FS + 0 ...
