
Thread Priority Setting Method Android

時々、時間のかかるタスクを操作するスレッドを作成しますが、それは高い優先度を必要とせず、時間のかかる作業をこのスレッドに適用できず、全体的なパフォーマンスに影響を与えます。その後、Process.setThreadPriority(int i)この関数は、スレッドの優先順位を設定します。値が大きいほど、優先度は低くなります。

THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, default thread priority is 0. THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST, the lowest level of the thread, is 19. THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND background thread recommend setting this priority is 10. THREAD_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND user is interacting with the UI thread, the code can not set the priority will be adjusted according to the priority of the case, it is -2. THREAD_PRIORITY_DISPLAY is related to the interaction of the priority sectors and UI, but priority than THREAD_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND, the code can not be set, adjusted by the system in accordance with, the value is -4. The highest level THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY display thread for handling input events drawing picture and retrieval, the code can not be set as the priority. Value -8. Standard sound level THREAD_PRIORITY_AUDIO thread, the code can not be set for this priority, value-16. The sound highest level THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_AUDIO thread priority degree higher than THREAD_PRIORITY_AUDIO. The code can not be set for this priority. Value of -19. THREAD_PRIORITY_MORE_FAVORABLE THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT slightly relative priority value of -1. THREAD_PRIORITY_LESS_FAVORABLE THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT relatively little behind some value 1.
