
What Does Echo Off

@echo off Close echo @echo on Open echo @echo off is not in a DOS program. It is in the DOS batch. In the current DOS, all operations were done with keyboard commands. When you have to enter the same command every time, You can save so many commands as a batch. From now on, just run this batch, It is equivalent to playing a few lines, dozens of lines of orders. DOS is running batch processing, Each command in the batch is executed in turn. And will display on the display, If you don't want them to show, Can add an 'echo off' Of course, 'echo off' is also an order. It will also show itself, If this article is not displayed, Just add an '@' in front. pause Stop the display and display 'Please press any key to continue _ _ _' E.g: @echo off @echo hello! pause Show the picture below hello1 

 @echo on @echo hello! pause Show the picture below hello2