
Write Simple Calendar Demo Using Vue

最近、プロジェクトで要件が発生しました。 vueでコンポーネントを作成します。このコンポーネントは、現在の日付と、現在の日に処理する必要のあるアイテムを表示します。処理されたアイテムの情報は、バックエンドインターフェイスの形式で返されます。







Today is year month day Last month / Next month次は、私たちのニーズを実装するJSコードの場所です。 jsコードに関しては、コード内にいくつかのコメントがあり、コードのコメントに従って解釈できますexport default { data() { return { newDate:'',//Current date information ynow:'',//Current year mnow:'',//The current month dnow:'',//Current days firstDay:'',//The first day firstnow:'',//current week m_days: [],//Number of days per month tr_str:'',//Number of lines } }, methods: { getDaysInfo() { var _this = this this.sureDate(_this) }, is_leap(year) {//Judge whether it is a leap year return (year%100==0?(year%400==0?1:0):(year%4==0?1:0)) }, //The following is a method of drawing a table, this method will draw the table we need according to the data drawTable(jsonHtml) { var _this = this var str = ` Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ` var idx = '',date_str = '',isRed = '',hasMsg='' for(var i = 0 i<_this.tr_str i++) { str+='' for(var k = 0 k <7 k++) { idx = i*7+k isRed = (k===0||k===6)?'isRed':'' date_str=idx-_this.firstnow+1 (date_strthis.m_days[this.mnow]) ? date_str=' ' : date_str=idx-_this.firstnow+1 date_str==_this.dnow?hasMsg=''+date_str+'':hasMsg=''+date_str+'' for(var l = 0, len = jsonHtml.length l ' date_str==_this.dnow?hasMsg=''+date_str+''+ newStr+'':hasMsg=''+date_str+''+ newStr+'' } } str+=hasMsg } str+='' } var table = document.getElementById('table') table.innerHTML = str }, //The meanings represented by the two parameters are this object and whether the current operation is being modified sureDate(_this,other) { this.newDate = new Date() this.ynow = this.newDate.getFullYear() if(!other) { this.mnow=this.newDate.getMonth() //month } this.dnow=this.newDate.getDate() //Today's date this.firstDay = new Date(this.ynow,this.mnow,1) this.firstnow=this.firstDay.getDay() this.m_days = [31,28+this.is_leap(this.ynow),31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] this.tr_str = Math.ceil((_this.m_days[this.mnow] + this.firstnow)/7) this.showMsg() }, preMon() { var _this = this this.mnow-- this.sureDate(_this,'up') }, nextMon() { var _this = this this.mnow++ this.sureDate(_this,'next') }, //What is returned through the interface is our current month corresponding to the matters that need to be handled in the calendar showMsg() { var jsonHtml = [{ date: 2, msg:'Dine' }, { date: 3, msg:'Sleep' }, { date: 4, msg:'Play Doudou' }, { date: 6, msg:'Doudou is not at home' }, { date: 12, msg: '~~~~~' }, { date: 15, msg:'What to do~~~~' }, { date: 20, msg:'Find Doudou' }] this.drawTable(jsonHtml) } }, mounted() { //Draw the table corresponding to the number of days in the current month this.getDaysInfo() //Get the data and display it to the corresponding position }


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