
Unity Opens Dialog Box Open



using UnityEngine using System.Collections using System.Runtime.InteropServices using System namespace Common { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public class FileDlg { public int structSize = 0 public IntPtr dlgOwner = IntPtr.Zero public IntPtr instance = IntPtr.Zero public String filter = null public String customFilter = null public int maxCustFilter = 0 public int filterIndex = 0 public String file = null public int maxFile = 0 public String fileTitle = null public int maxFileTitle = 0 public String initialDir = null public String title = null public int flags = 0 public short fileOffset = 0 public short fileExtension = 0 public String defExt = null public IntPtr custData = IntPtr.Zero public IntPtr hook = IntPtr.Zero public String templateName = null public IntPtr reservedPtr = IntPtr.Zero public int reservedInt = 0 public int flagsEx = 0 } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public class OpenFileDlg : FileDlg { } public class OpenFileDialog { [DllImport('Comdlg32.dll', SetLastError = true, ThrowOnUnmappableChar = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public static extern bool GetOpenFileName([In, Out] OpenFileDlg ofd) } public class SaveFileDialog { [DllImport('Comdlg32.dll', SetLastError = true, ThrowOnUnmappableChar = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public static extern bool GetSaveFileName([In, Out] SaveFileDlg ofd) } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public class SaveFileDlg: FileDlg { } } using UnityEngine using System.Collections using System.Collections.Generic using System.IO using System.Text using Common public class FileControllor : MonoBehaviour { public void OpenProject() { OpenFileDlg pth = new OpenFileDlg() pth.structSize = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(pth) pth.filter = 'txt (*.txt)' pth.file = new string(new char[256]) pth.maxFile = pth.file.Length pth.fileTitle = new string(new char[64]) pth.maxFileTitle = pth.fileTitle.Length pth.initialDir = Application.dataPath // default path pth.title = 'Open project' pth.defExt = 'txt' pth.flags = 0x00080000 | 0x00001000 | 0x00000800 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000008 // 0x00080000 Whether to use the new file selection window Is it possible to select multiple files at 0x00000200? if (OpenFileDialog.GetOpenFileName(pth)) { string filepath = pth.file // The selected file path Debug.Log(filepath) } } public void SaveProject() { SaveFileDlg pth = new SaveFileDlg() pth.structSize = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(pth) pth.filter = 'txt (*.txt)' pth.file = new string(new char[256]) pth.maxFile = pth.file.Length pth.fileTitle = new string(new char[64]) pth.maxFileTitle = pth.fileTitle.Length pth.initialDir = Application.dataPath // default path pth.title = 'Save Project' pth.defExt = 'txt' pth.flags = 0x00080000 | 0x00001000 | 0x00000800 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000008 if (SaveFileDialog.GetSaveFileName(pth)) { string filepath = pth.file // The selected file path Debug.Log(filepath) } } }


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