
Cs231n Assignment3 Q3 Experience Notes


オンラインクラスの1学期が終わりました... CS231nの宿題は3か月間停止し、人間は怠惰で不活性な動物であることが判明しました。第1四半期にAssignment1を書き始めてから、ほぼ1年が経ちましたが、今日はほぼ1年になります。私は本当に高度な先延ばしの患者です...まあ、時間内にそれを補います。ネットワークの視覚化についてこのブログを書いた後、私は夏に乾いた気分になります!


def create_class_visualization(target_y, model, dtype, **kwargs): ''' Generate an image to maximize the score of target_y under a pretrained model. Inputs: - target_y: Integer in the range [0, 1000) giving the index of the class - model: A pretrained CNN that will be used to generate the image - dtype: Torch datatype to use for computations Keyword arguments: - l2_reg: Strength of L2 regularization on the image - learning_rate: How big of a step to take - num_iterations: How many iterations to use - blur_every: How often to blur the image as an implicit regularizer - max_jitter: How much to gjitter the image as an implicit regularizer - show_every: How often to show the intermediate result ''' model.type(dtype) l2_reg = kwargs.pop('l2_reg', 1e-3) learning_rate = kwargs.pop('learning_rate', 25) num_iterations = kwargs.pop('num_iterations', 100) blur_every = kwargs.pop('blur_every', 10) max_jitter = kwargs.pop('max_jitter', 16) show_every = kwargs.pop('show_every', 25) # Randomly initialize the image as a PyTorch Tensor, and make it requires gradient. img = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224).mul_(1.0).type(dtype).requires_grad_() for t in range(num_iterations): # Randomly jitter the image a bit this gives slightly nicer results ox, oy = random.randint(0, max_jitter), random.randint(0, max_jitter) img.data.copy_(jitter(img.data, ox, oy)) ######################################################################## # TODO: Use the model to compute the gradient of the score for the # # class target_y with respect to the pixels of the image, and make a # # gradient step on the image using the learning rate. Don't forget the # # L2 regularization term! # # Be very careful about the signs of elements in your code. # ######################################################################## # *****START OF YOUR CODE (DO NOT DELETE/MODIFY THIS LINE)***** scores = model(img) loss = scores[0][target_y] - l2_reg * torch.sum((img**2)).item() loss.backward() img.data += learning_rate * img.grad.data / img.grad.data.norm() img.grad.data.zero_() # *****END OF YOUR CODE (DO NOT DELETE/MODIFY THIS LINE)***** ######################################################################## # END OF YOUR CODE # ######################################################################## # Undo the random jitter img.data.copy_(jitter(img.data, -ox, -oy)) # As regularizer, clamp and periodically blur the image for c in range(3): lo = float(-SQUEEZENET_MEAN[c] / SQUEEZENET_STD[c]) hi = float((1.0 - SQUEEZENET_MEAN[c]) / SQUEEZENET_STD[c]) img.data[:, c].clamp_(min=lo, max=hi) if t % blur_every == 0: blur_image(img.data, sigma=0.5) # Periodically show the image if t == 0 or (t + 1) % show_every == 0 or t == num_iterations - 1: plt.imshow(deprocess(img.data.clone().cpu())) class_name = class_names[target_y] plt.title('%s Iteration %d / %d' % (class_name, t + 1, num_iterations)) plt.gcf().set_size_inches(4, 4) plt.axis('off') plt.show() return deprocess(img.data.cpu())



蜘蛛の一種で、見た目も毛皮のような匂いがします。不満を持った友達が、産卵したアシカを見に来ました。これは実像です。 (しかし、あなたがそれが無毛の鳥であると主張するならば、私はあなたを否定することはできません...

